Temps are low in Europe in February, but so are the crowds—and hotel rates. Isn’t that reason enough to get those 2020 travel plans off to a roaring start?

1 Madeira, Portugal

Se você quiser evitar o clima frio e úmido que atinge grande parte da Europa em fevereiro, visite a ilha da Madeira, que fica no Oceano Atlântico, na costa noroeste da África.

This environment makes Madeira the perfect place for outdoor activities, even during the winter months. Try hiking Ponta de São Lourenço, which is a nature reserve filled with red-streaked volcanic rocks that offers majestic views of the ocean. Or, if you don’t want to hike, but still want amazing views, visit the Cabo Girão Skywalk, which is a clear platform that hangs off of Europe’s highest cliff— definitely not for those afraid of heights. Be sure to sample some of the area’s wine while you’re here, too. Head to Blandy’s Wine Lodge, where you can take a tour and find out how this region’s wine is made.

You can also try paragliding, or even the famous street tobogganing. Plus, if you visit at the end of February, you can take part in the Carnival festivities.

2. Praga, República Tcheca

Explore the winding streets of Prague’s Old Town to admire the pastel-colored buildings this February. Take a walk down Karlova Street, which historically was the way Bohemian kings traveled to their coronations, and check out the local shops selling glassware, wooden toys, painted eggs, puppets, and other crafts that make great gifts.

Warm up from the cold by visiting one of the city’s museums, like the Prague Jewish Museum, the National Museum, or the Museum of Beer. For a unique experience, check out the Franz Kafka Museum, which is devoted to the famous writer.

3. St. Moritz, Suíça

There’s no wrong time to visit this swish alpine resort town, which stuns both in summer and winter, but February is arguably the best. Ultra-luxe ski resorts are in full swing, the winter temps are at their warmest (ideal for lingering on the high slopes), and Switzerland’s world-famous White Turf horse-racing event takes over three weekends on the town’s frozen lake.

4. Paris, França

Paris is an obvious choice for a Valentine’s Day trip across the pond. The city is known as the most romantic in the world, and it certainly won’t disappoint if you decide to visit this winter.

Além disso, fevereiro costuma ser o mês mais barato para voar para Paris, e você pode aproveitar preços de hotéis fora de temporada e menos multidões nas grandes atrações. Evite as filas e ainda tenha a chance de ver alguns dos pontos turísticos mais populares do mundo, incluindo a Torre Eiffel, o Palácio de Versalhes e o Arco do Triunfo.

Uma noite, faça um cruzeiro com jantar no Sena, onde um barco aquecido o levará pelo icônico rio que corre pelo centro da cidade. Considere reservar um ingresso para apresentações no famoso Moulin Rouge ou na Ópera Garnier para outra noite emocionante em Paris.

5. Tenerife, Ilhas Canárias

Suas opções são limitadas, mas é possível espremer algum tempo de praia europeu durante o segundo mês do ano. Enquanto a Espanha continental varia de frio a frio, as Ilhas Canárias mais ao sul - especificamente Tenerife - são quentes o ano todo. Fevereiro é uma das melhores épocas para visitar as praias do sul de Tenerife, quando as temperaturas atingem os 70 graus e há menos chances de chuva.

Lounging by the water at Playa de la Tejita is requisite, but if you’ve got more time to spare, don’t miss a hike through the forests of the Anaga Mountains or a walk through Garachico, where you can also swim in rock pools formed by lava. Heads up: time your trip for the tail-end of the month and you’ll be just in time for the Santa Cruz de Tenerife Carnival (February 19–March 1, 2020), a celebration of music, color, and life.

Fontes: Viagens e Lazer, JetSetter

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