If you are passionate about tasting good food and drink while traveling the world, we’ve got the list for you! Adding culinary activities to your vaction itinerary is one of the best ways to experience the culture of your destination. From Buenos Aires to Shanghai and Madrid, this list contains 5 of the best places to go for foodies vacation.

Приятного аппетита !

1. Шанхай

Anyone who’s feasted their way through Shanghai won’t be surprised to see the coastal city claim this year’s top spot. The booming metropolis is a bonafide foodie playground, with a здоровая смесь изысканных тяжеловесов и сгерои уличной еды – оба черпают вдохновение со всех уголков мира. Посетители могут полакомиться сяолунбао, отведать волосатых крабов на пару, отведать тушеной свинины и клейких рисовых шариков. Пей, спи, повторяй!


2. Тель-Авив

Ближе к ногтям второе место достается Тель-Авиву, где кулинарная сцена абсолютно битком набита with hot newcomers, traditional Middle Eastern eats, an astonishing array of vegan-friendly joints and lively cafés that overflow into the streets. Once you’ve eaten your weight in shawarma, falafel and hummus, try something new – sabich (a pita sandwich stuffed with fried eggplant, hard-boiled eggs and tahini) or malabi (rose water milk pudding) should do the trick.

3. Буэнос-Айрес

Buenos Aires is synonymous with grilled meats and red wine – and you should sample plenty of both while you’re here – but the capital city is also brimming with отличная средиземноморская, итальянская, азиатская и испанская кухня thanks to a robust immigrant population (second only to the US). Munch on empanadas on the go, sit down and savor a pizza, explore one of the city’s indoor food markets and finish every meal with an alfajor – an addictive cookie sandwich that’s glued together with sweet dulce de leche.

4. Мадрид

Spain’s capital city is perhaps best known for its picture-perfect parks and epic art museums – but its food scene is destination-worthy, too. Your dining itinerary will be torn between some of the world’s best Michelin-starred restaurants, tried-and-true tapas bars and buzzed-about novices that are blazing a new trail. Don’t fret – if you find time to sip vermouth, savor a bocadillo de calamares (calamari sandwich) and dunk churros into thick, piping-hot chocolate, you’ve done alright.


5. Бангкок

Ready to send your senses soaring? Consider a trip to Thailand’s capital, where еда это искусство форма, которая идет путь beyond pad Thai (though, you shouldn’t feel guilty about eating it while you’re here). Carve out ample time to explore the city’s vibrant street food scene, where noodles, seafood, meat skewers and soups are on full display.

*Источник: Время ожидания, Смакованные путешествия

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